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Legion [data failure]

Был в онлайне 29 ноября 2021 в 04:45:13

Проверка страницы [data failure] Legion ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 78

  • VK ссылка:id103874947
  • О себе:like... to shoot stuff... ______________________________________________ prefer lighting elemental effects, good enough against shields and brains, if you know what i am talking about... ______________________________________________ The geth are a race of networked artificial intelligences that reside beyond the Perseus Veil. The geth were created by the quarians, as laborers and tools of war. When the geth became sentient and began to question their masters, the quarians attempted to exterminate them. The geth won the resulting war, and reduced the quarians to a race of nomads. The history of the geth's creation and evolution serves as a warning to the rest of the galaxy of the potential dangers of artificial intelligence and to the legally enforced, systematic repression of artificial intelligences throughout galactic society. ______________________________________________ Physically, the humanoid geth resemble quarians—their hands, head shape and legs are similar—which is probably a holdover from their origins. They are described as having 'flashlight heads'. Geth are built of two materials, a large plastic or steel outer shell, and a kind of synthetic muscle tissue that gives Geth Hoppers their incredible agility. It is actually possible for this synthetic muscle to be grafted to organic tissue (Saren Arterius has a grafted geth arm). Geth 'bleed' a white conductive fluid when shot, but they don't have any internal organs or nervous system, so the geth don't feel hunger or pain. The geth are also seen using omni-tools, and have seemingly modified them to heal synthetic wounds. Part of the geth's success is due to their neural network. Effectively, they 'share' their processing power, distributing low-level processes like motor control and visual identification to free up bandwidth for higher reasoning and complex thought. Geth can't share sensory data—they aren't a hive mind like the rachni—but in large groups they have more to think with. An individual geth has only a basic intelligence on par with animal instincts, but in groups they can reason, analyze situations, and use tactics as well as any of the organic races. An exception would appear to be Legion, a geth specifically designed to operate as an autonomous sentient unit outside the Veil. According to Legion, each geth is made up of hundreds of programs equivalent to VIs, all operating in parallel with one another to form a kind of emergent intelligence described by EDI as "a thousand voices talking at once". An individual geth is thus more of a "mobile platform" than an actual body; the programs that make up its consciousness are constantly being transferred and downloaded; the mind operating one of these "mobile platforms" might just as easily inhabit a starship body should it need to. Most of the time geth programs can be found residing in server hubs, which function as something akin to the organic equivalent of a city, and can run millions of geth in communion. As all geth are networked to each other, they may communicate their exact thoughts and ideas at the speed of light. They find organic methods of communication, such as body language and spoken word, to be largely inefficient; the geth are able to communicate their thoughts flawlessly without any fear of misinterpretation. Because of this they have no true form of government and no system of rank. When a matter must be decided upon, the geth communicate all viewpoints of a situation and a consensus is made,the decision being whatever benefits the geth as a whole the greatest. greatest. --------------------------------------------------------------------— Да, это все очень познавательно, но вряд-ли кто- нибудь осилил до конца :Х
  • Skype:sbua55
  • Ник:useranonymus
  • День рождения:9.9.1995
  • Сейчас проживает в:Австралия, Sydney
  • Родной город:#857yR space build station
  • Личный вэб-сайт:recovering data...
  • Политические взгляды:коммунистические
  • Религиозные убеждения:Нигилизм
  • Главное в людях:ум и креативность
  • Главное в жизни:совершенствование мира
  • Отношение к курению:резко негативное
  • Отношение к алкоголю:резко негативное


Актуальный статус


Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    exploring organic life forms, рисование, игра на гитаре (МИТООООЛ!), нытье (no kiddin')

  • Интересы:

    heavy machinery, cybernetic warfare, AI hacking (did you know that husks are flammable?) *Sunset Sasparilla*

  • Любимая музыка:

    I am the very model of a scientist salarian. I've studied spesies turian, asari and batarian. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Im quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology). --------------------------------------------------------------------- My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian. I am the very model of a scientist salarian. ********************************************** (love when Mordin sings that) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron Maiden -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragonforce ----------------------------------------------------------------- Social Distortion ----------------------------------------------------------------- K-on! (wtf?!) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Linkin Park ----------------------------------------------------------------- Manafest

  • Любимые фильмы:

    The Happening, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the dead, Pandorum, Rango, Green Mile

  • Любимые книги:

    data not found

  • Любимые телешоу:

    data not found

  • Любимые цитаты:

    I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the End, I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life, freely. (c) Bible, i guess...
    Story is written by the winners (с) idk
    Не проси бога сделать жизнь проще, проси его сделать тебя сильнее. (c) John Kennedy
    Life is a shit sandwich, and we all gotta take a bite. (c) idk

Опыт работы и образование

  • Billy School of Graphic Arts'10
  • 1935–2010
  • communtication platform
  • ,
  • data collapse
  • floating point error


  • Legion [data failure] фотография #1
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #2
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #3
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #4
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #5
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #6
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #7
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #8
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #9
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #10
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #11
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #12
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #13
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #14
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #15
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #16
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #17
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #18
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #19
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #20
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #21
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #22
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #23
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #24
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #25
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #26
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #27
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #28
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #29
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #30
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #31
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #32
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #33
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #34
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #35
  • Legion [data failure] фотография #36